Robin's Nest

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finishing What We Start

Do you get any daily exercise? Lots of people do you know.  I used to go 5 times a week but over the years, life has changed and I only get there two maybe three times a week.  Love to go but it has to do with time now.
Some people love exercise. As they tell me, they can watch it all day long. I enjoy it.  Probably because it’s a stress release for me. It relaxes me. It could also be that it’s an individual sport. If you can call it a sport. I’m not a team sport fan. Just love to see one person conqueror their next plateau. Compete one on one. Or just as the commercial told us last year, beating their own best effort.
Maybe that’s what it’s all about. I thought of that a few times lately. Seems like almost every time I drive out to my brothers I see this one lady walking along very quickly with weights in each hand going along and along and along. If you didn’t know, my brother lives in the country. So this lady, if she goes around one block, it’s close to four miles.  Four long miles with step after step and lifting the weights with every second step.  Now that’s commitment. No, she is not nuts. She look very average. And she does not stop.
I tip my hat to her because every time she steps off her driveway and starts out, she knows what’s in front of her.  Not like me when I say I will go around the block and put a child’s building block on the floor and walk around it.
In her own way, she is just like the marathon runner, they know what’s ahead and they go anyway. These people go the distance. When they start, they are determined to never turn around. It’s all or nothing.
And I wonder about myself. The Christian life is not for sissies. The  writer of Hebrews put it this way: Hebrews 12:1, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us . . ."  There are two books by Bob Buford in the last year or so both called, Finishing Well. It’s about finishing this Christian life well, and that’s my plan and my goal, how about you?
Something to think about.


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