That Little Old Watchmaker . . .
I’ve had a real interest in mechanical clocks and watches for a long time. No battery operated one for this wrist. They fascinate me and I collect them and appreciate the workmanship that goes into each one. Some are so small you have to use a magnifying glass that is 10 times normal vision. And it’s amazing to look at the smallest detail.
I go and visit my watchmaker as often as time permits for either of us. One such visit he opened a very small plastic box just to show me the smallest screws that he has for doing repairs on dainty women’s watches. With the naked eye they look like grains of pepper. So, so small. These are just some of the things he has shown me over the years since we have known each other.
Recently I have asked him to teach me some of what he knows. He agreed and suggested that I not start with the pepper screws. So, here I am sitting in front of the works of an old clock. As we looked at it, he showed me what I needed to look for. Then he handed me the glasses and I started to notice the things he was talking about. I noticed weaknesses and I even noticed fine bits of dirt. And that is what he wanted me to see.
Over a few months he taught me to look for the two primary reasons clocks stop working. And for you out there that think a clock or watch is over wound, it’s not. Something else is the problem.
So, what are these two culprits? The first is the dirt I mentioned already and the second, are you ready? The clock doesn’t run because it is not sitting on a level surface. With this information in mind, Val handed me “the book.” It is a manual for clock repair. The book starts out innocently enough by talking about dirt and level. Now, I think I have these two figured out.
Two bad we don’t have them figured out in our lives. As we go to THE watchmaker, we need to go to Him who formed us in our mother’s womb. He can clean out the sin and dirt in our lives and by checking with Jesus, He can set us on the straight and narrow. He made us and He knows what we need to work as He always intended. It would help if we just read the book. Mines open, how about you?
And that my friend is something to think about.
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