Robin's Nest

Monday, January 07, 2013

Blow Up The Box!

We are already two weeks into a new year. Even heard about not making resolutions in church this past Sunday. But let’s forget about them for a few minutes.  Have you ever considered doing something that it totally not you? Just go out on a limb and jump off and pray you land on something that will either break your fall or at least it will give you a soft landing. No, not landing on someone else.
This could place you out there somewhere just totally exhilarated and spontaneous? Most men are not spontaneous and I know that because I’m a man. For me to be spontaneous I would have to plan on being spontaneous for about a week. Or maybe two. I recently had a conversation with someone who just started attending church. He just got up one Sunday morning and said to himself, “self, I think we should go to church.” Something inside of him prompted him to do just that and he found a faith he never knew existed. Probably had something to do with the church door he entered as well.
I know most you who read this column is spiritually inclined so I will talk to you because the question I want to ask you is, “are you just going through the motions?” Church should never be routine. If it is, write me and we can talk. ( I believe we need, yes, it’s a need, to give something and get something from the experience of church. How we do that is all up to us individually. We give worship to God and we receive some instruction on going and changing the world we live in for God, or even changing ourselves.
So, here is the plan. When you go to church next, and by that I mean this coming Sunday, I want you to do something new, different, totally not you. If the organist or worship team said something to you this morning either in playing or singing, tell them. Or if the minister actually said something that you needed to hear, let them know and what it means to you. Freak them out by telling them what you heard them say. Here is another couple of things, maybe volunteer for one Sunday in the nursery, greet people as they park their cars, shovel some snow, Help the ladies hang up their coats, if it’s raining, go to people at their car with an umbrella and walk them into church, or maybe even join the choir even if you don’t think you can sing. How about showing up one day during the week and doing something to help keep the place looking wonderful and clean.
Secondly I want you to learn something from being part of a community of faith. Take notes during the sermon, or in the adult Sunday school class. After all you will forget most of it as soon as you get in your car to go home. And when you get home, read what you wrote and then find ways of taking what you have learned and applying it to your life.
These are only a couple of ways you can jump out of the routine of church. Don’t just think outside the box, blow the box up! It’s all about making every Sunday an event. An event where you give and get all at the same time.
Something to think about.


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