Robin's Nest

Monday, December 24, 2012

It's Christmas Eve.

Tonight is special. As a husband paced back and forth waiting for the arrival of this child, there was excitement in the air. And not just the excitement in the heart of the husband. There were angels everywhere. Not everyone could see them, but they were there. And they were singing and praising God in the highest. In the whisper of the wind some thought they heard voices. It sounded like . . .  it sounded like someone was singing; “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
It stirred those listening. It stirs us even today. There was just something special in the air tonight as we walked home from church. Yes, there was the bite of winters cold wind against our faces as we buried our chins into our collars. But that wasn’t it. And yes there was a moon bright and clear above us. But not that either. It could have been seeing family and friends after the service. It was more than that, there was renewed anticipation that only Christmas brings. Something is coming. Something wonderful, something so amazing, so special, that nothing, nothing, can compare. Jesus is coming. His birth day. His arrival and we are all waiting.
There are some of you who are still getting ready, wrapping, putting together, adding batteries, downloading programs, setting up Wii, or any number of electronics devices. You are still preparing. Still getting things in order, if that is what you can call it. Be reassured, the calm will come and Christmas will arrive just the same. And all the anticipation will be over as we open our presents . . .  but what did we get for Jesus? 
Some of you are just sitting back now enjoying the calm. The tranquillity that comes with knowing there was nothing else you can do to get ready for the morning. Just like that first morning in Jesus life, everything was ready. Everything prepared and nothing left out. Just wait.  Just wait until the fullness of time.
In a few short hours, Christmas will be here. As we exchange presents we will recognize that we not only bought, but we gave because of a love that is bigger than all of us. God’s Love, God’s Gift, shown in the birth of His Son had changed the whole world and does so even today. In fact it gets bigger and bigger every year as more and more of the world learns that God’s love dispels all the darkness in our lives.
Christ came to love us and to teach us how to love. Watch the face of your loved one tomorrow morning. See in their eyes that special thanks that is never communicated in words. It is expressed in a look, an emotion and that special contact of eye to eye. That’s it! That is what happened when Mary first looked at Jesus and that is what He saw in her eyes.
What will God see in your eyes early tomorrow morning?
Something to think about.
Merry, Merry Christmas everyone.
Blessings and love to all of you.


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