Do you find yourself in a hurry of late? It seems like another attribute of Christmas is being in a hurry. For those who waited to be in the “Christmas Spirit,” rushing around becomes part of what it takes to getting it all ‘done’ on time. We all know about the gifts we buy, or, wish we would buy, or even the ones we wish we could afford to buy. It has to be just right for Aunt Jane or. . . well, you remember last year.
But then we seem to be in a hurry to get things done, clean the house, get the tree, clean the house again, decorate the house, clean the house again. It’s a never-ending cycle. But hurry up and get it done. Aren’t you glad for large cupboards? And what about all those parties you wish to go to, or would like to attend. This is our first year of not having a Christmas Open House. We have had them for a long time and it seemed to be the right time to end them. Part of it was hurrying to have all the decorations up for the first Saturday of December. Now that was hurrying.
A good number of years ago I listened to my parents tell about Christmas and what the hurrying was all about when we were young. Not having a great deal of money in those days, most of what we saw on Christmas morning arrived all at once in the last week before Christmas morning. The gifts, the tree, the decorations, even the treats like a handful of candy and an orange, all of it arrived in those last few days. They even told about putting it all together on Christmas Eve and getting to bed just before we woke them Christmas morning.
I guess that is what it is for almost all of us. It’s part of our society. It’s part of our world and how quickly it moves today compared to years gone by. Maybe that’s why it feels so good to go into church each Sunday morning and just sit and let the whole world rush on by.
This week at church we celebrated the second Sunday of Advent and with it an understanding of what Peace is. Another candle was lit and its glow opened up our eyes to what we miss when we are in a hurry. We miss what we read in Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I believe what he is writing to us is; no matter how hectic life may be, we can still, in all that chaos, have peace in our hearts. Do you have the peace that only God can give? Or are you searching for peace within your heart that only He can give? It’s there for you. You just have to ask.
That is what I felt on Sunday morning. And that is what you can feel every day. His peace is definitely;
Something to think about.
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