Robin's Nest

Monday, August 17, 2009

Always Something To Talk About

The number one topic Canadians talk about is the weather. And this summer has given us lots to talk about. Wether its too cold, too wet, too hot or just too much. If you are wondering about the summer that just arrived, it’s right here now, all at once. Maybe this has not been the summer you were hoping for, or maybe the summer you were wishing and praying would be here. But this my friends, is summer. There are a number of ways to describe this summer so far. Too wet, too cool, and finally too hot and not what we were expecting. Early on we could have asked, where is this global warming everyone is talking about? How do we explain the warm weather staying well to the south and never arriving here? And now, are you complaining of the heat, or like me having to stay in the air more then I want to?
To tell you the truth, I would say we are getting exactly what God wants us to have.
Someone asked me one day if I could talk to God about the weather. I replied, “That’s way above my pay scale.”
Reality is, in life, God gives us what we need. That being said, it never suggests we get what we want or what we think we deserve. Remember the commercial that said, “You Deserve a Break Today”? I hate those commercials that tell you to run out and spend money you don’t have on something that the seller tells you, “You deserve it!”. My question is, how do they know so well what I deserve? Someone remarked, you deserve happiness. I feel we make our happiness. In John C. Maxwell’s book, “The Difference Maker,” he suggests that we get a great day when we get up and believe it’s going to be a great day, it will be. It’s a state of mind. Maybe that’s why I smile so much in the morning. Do we need great weather to have a great day? Sit down and watch Gene Kelly dancing and “Singing in the Rain”. Then go and do it. I have and what a great feeling.
I agree and think we all get what we need in life by how we approach each day, I also feel that we get from God only what we need. Because, doesn’t getting what we deserve mean that we are getting what we need to become all God, not only intends us to have, but to become all we need to be for Him?
After all, what are we really here on this earth for? To enjoy great weather? Let’s read together the first question of the WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM
Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.
And that my friends is all we need.
Something to think about.
Keep Warm.


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