There's Another Storm
There’s something about a thunderstorm that calms my heart. Some people really don’t like them and I understand that. They are like the dog of my childhood. Sandy used to run for cover, and that cover was my bed. At the first sign of lightening, she would run as fast as she could on the nicely polished hardwood floors to our room and duck under the bed. I guess she assumed it was the best place to be.
But think about it. Wouldn’t it be the darkest spot? Wouldn’t it be the place where the flash of light would show the best? My theory would be, wouldn’t you want to be in the brightest room so the lightening didn’t show so much?
I remember my dad telling us there was nothing to fear with lightening storms. If you were in the right place, you need not worry. He was a very practical man at times and he took us young boys out on the front stoop one stormy day. Same house I talked of last week. There we sat and watched the storm come in from the west. The darker it became the brighter the lightening and the louder the thunder. It was wonderful to see this as part of God’s creation and we even put on our bathing suits and ran around in the rain. No tall trees or such near us.
From that day until today, I love walking in the rain, getting soak’n wet.
This past Sunday as I was preaching at church, the ominous thunderstorm had little effect on the sermon or what I was saying. When the sermon over, I began to pray with, and for the people. Lightening struck, thunder rolled and the lights, organ and mike went out. I continued to pray, and everything was fine.
On the North Atlantic over a century ago, a ship went down in a sad period of one mans life. He had lost his four-year-old son a few years before, then this. On arriving in Wales, the mother wrote “Saved alone.” When the father took the next ship to Europe to be with his wife, he asked to be called when the ship was over the spot the other ship went down with his children. There he stood on the deck and the words of 2 Kings 4:26, came to mind. From those words he wrote;
“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.”
The disciples experienced the same when in the storm they were afraid and woke the calm Jesus sleeping at the back of the boat. He calmed the storm. Does He calm yours?
Something to think about
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