Going Home

The other was just a young man who goes home next Sunday for the first time in eleven months. We kidded him about everyone moving away. We laughed but . . . we knew he was missing home. After all, don’t we miss home when we are away? For both these men, they have given up much to be somewhere where they can make a living. They come from countries where a month’s salary is less then we earn in a week. Coming from places where dreams are dashed against the reality of life and providing for a family. The husband said something significant, and I will never forget. After all these years and seeing or many places in this world, there is only one home. We asked if, now that he has experienced life here, would he prefer bringing his family to live in North America with all it has. Without hesitation he told us that he loves his wife, and children, but he also loves his country and his home. He is going home for only one or two months in thirty days. And then he leaves again for another ten months.
Our heart went out to these people, so far from family and home. In a week or two, after a vacation we go home. The words of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, are true for all of us, “There’s no place like home.” My bible tells me we are away from home right now as well. It tells me we are on a journey in this world waiting for that moment when we go home to be with Our Father. If our home feels so good today in this world, how much more will out a heavenly home feel like when we get there?
“What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see.
When I look upon that face, the one who saved me by his grace.
When He takes me by the hand
And leads me through the Promised Land,
What a day, glorious day that will be”.
Something to think about
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