Going Home
It's true you know. Dorothy said it well when she clicked her heals and said, "There's no place like home". I remember another time before I knew anything about Dorothy. It’s been a long time since my brother and I thought ourselves adventurers. Back before time began, we had an adventure due to our family moving. I don’t remember much of the move but I do remember that day. Paul was the advanced age of six and a half while I had just turned the rip old age of five a month earlier. The area we were moving to was brand new with lots cut out from bush and farmland. There was mud everywhere and the city would put down pavement soon. Or so they said. On that day we arrived at our new home excited about our new surroundings. Paul and I decided to check out the neighbourhood. In our search we found the remnants of a bush and in it, a stream. It didn’t take long to get to the seriousness of what to do in the woods and the stream. We were there for hours. Checking out the wild life, what there was left, and just learning new things. Before we knew it, time had gone and we knew we better get home. But which way was home? We had never been here before. In our excitement of the adventure, we never thought of where we were, where we came from or how to get back. This meant, not that we were lost, but we had another adventure ahead of us. It only took a few minutes for us to make our way out of the woods and onto another street. It wasn’t as muddy as ours. In fact, there were cars and grass and flowers. It was a time when neighbours were neighbours and kids could come and go as they pleased. We knocked at a door and a gentleman answered asking "What's up". After telling him we needed to get home, but didn’t know the way, he had us in his very old Model A coupe, if my memory doesn’t fail me, and on our way. In the fog of an old memory, I remember him saying, “I think I know where you live”. Two short blocks later, and excited by the car ride, he turned the corner and we saw our new home for the second time in our lives. Thanking the man we ran in, into our new home, our new bedroom, sitting on what was familiar, our old beds with the family who love us. We were home. One day, when our adventure on earth is over, we will get home. Burst in the door and see a new house, and a loving Father waiting for us there. Looking forward to going home? I am.“Going home to see my Saviour,
Going home to meet a friend”,Something to think about.
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