Robin's Nest

Monday, August 28, 2017

Moving Out Of The Way

God was speaking to me the other day when we were driving to visit family near Fort Erie. It was so ammonise that I had to write it down. I have been known to forget some things in my declining years.
But there on the sign above the highway was a message that captivated my thoughts for more than a few more miles down the road. You know those big light signs that warn you about slow traffic ahead? Well, just after getting to St. Catherines, while driving in the slow lane, the sign read, "Move over out of the passing lane when not passing."
I have seen it before but in different ways. "Keep right except to pass". Interestingly enough, no one in the passing lane moved over. I noticed that as far as the eye could see, no one obeyed the sign. Really? Yes, it's true. There was lots of room to actually move over, but no, everyone ignored it. It is part of the highway traffic act, and no one is listening. No one obeys and no one, not one put their directional indicator on and moved to the right.
I've seen this before. I have seen directives before and no one listened and obeyed. I need to qualify that by saying it is not everyone, as there are indeed some who listen. You listen don't you? When God says, You shall not steal, what do you think? As I see it the Ten Commandments aren't suggestions, they are commands because God knows us and He knows what's best for all of us. He calls us to listen because He knows sin will cause us pain. Think of your Bible as our Highway Traffic Act. Open the pages and listen to what God has for us who follow Him.
But here is something else that came to mind. There are times that we sit in the passing lane and hold back those who want to go for it with God. We church people with our church language get in the way and slow down people who are all fired up about God and want to learn more and more. Remember when you first met Jesus? You were excited and going two hundred miles an hour and you couldn’t be held back. When new people find the Lord, get out of the way and let them sore with eagles. Did you like being on fire for Him? Then do it again!
Something to think about


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