Robin's Nest

Monday, August 07, 2017

Something To Get Back To.

Remember way back in your life when you used to do one thing that energized you, something that struck you in the heart. It was one of those activities that stirred you and got you excited.  You thought back then you could not get enough of it. Every chance you had you were engaged in it.
Many of us have those things we have done in the past that for one reason or another, slowly drifted off into our past life.  Oh, we all had reasons for leaving it in our past. Time, energy, commitment and even being too caught up in the fast lane of life.  Then again, something else pushed itself into our life and it got pushed out. Today, just the other day, now and then you remembered, you thought about how great it was then… and you asked will it be the same now.
That was all part of a slow disengaging of self from something that you loved dearly and you wouldn’t want to be disappointed if it’s not the same today. Asking yourself, will it have the same impact today as it did then. Maybe that is why our mind paralyzes us from getting back to what we had and bringing it into 2017.
Many don’t forget it quickly, it’s the odd day here and there and before you know it, you don’t go to church anymore. Oh, we have excuses but that is what they are, excuses. It is not that God left you, He is still there. You might even say, ‘but life is different now’, but my bible tells me that God ‘is the same yesterday today and forever.
All that you remember about your relationship to Him has never changed. He calls you by name and will hold you again, just open up your arms and let Him come in. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…”
Something to think about


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