Robin's Nest

Monday, August 14, 2017

Jesus Doesn't Text

Let me say, I love my cellphone. Recently someone sent an email to me that included a video from youtube that had me smiling. Not many things get me laughing out loud, but this one was cute. Over and over again I watched as people walked along, while focused on their iphones and kept bumping into things. One fellow even walked right into a reflecting pool and got soaked which as an aside, meant his phone didn’t work anymore. I know that from watching my Blackberry going for a four second swim on its own.
At the same time I’m thinking that many people are losing their ability to have a normal conversation with someone whose face is a couple of feet from theirs. Did you know that many people today have anxiety attacks if they don’t have any incoming communications on their phones every ten minutes? It’s true. That is the world we live in.  
Now don’t get me wrong, I love having the ability to communicate where ever I am and whenever I want. It’s probably one of the best reasons to have cell phones. Accident, boom, 911 instantly. Late  for an appointment, boom again, text.
But really, do we really need to be in constant contact? Here is the smile on my face. My phone gives me what I need. I get 50 minutes of air time for phone calls and I can even send out 50 text messages/mth. for a grand total of $15/mth. The best part, I seldom have to pay extra.  Sure, go ahead say it, “You’re old or cheap”.
My point is this, I still believe there is nothing better than an in your face conversation. Even if you still have one of  those antique land lines you can have amazing free long distance phone service. To be sure, nothing can be better than pressing 10 digets and talking. Another thing, you can't text near as fast as you can talk.
The best thing, as good as these cellphones are, we don’t need them to talk to God or His Son Jesus. He is always near, we just have to call out His name and He will be there. The line will never have a busy signal, no email address or phone number to input in your device. Just call out His name and start talking.
Something to think about.


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