Robin's Nest

Thursday, July 21, 2016

It's Time To Visit

There is always something beautiful about going and visiting seniors.  Not just in the lodge where I have been the volunteer Chaplin for eighteen years. I love to go and see them, talk and sometimes just listen to their stories. They have so much to say, so much wisdom and life experience. But not enough ears to listen to them. Of course this goes with my thoughts on the elderly. I feel that we have them with us until we finally hear what they have to say.
What a great day the other Tuesday when I did my usual rounds with them. I had not been able to be there the previous Tuesday and as I drove over I wondered if they had been okay for two weeks. I found out very quickly they had. The first resident just inside the door called out, “Must be Tuesday”.
The rest of the morning went somewhat the same. Some missed me and wanted to know if I was all right. What’s with that, I’m supposed to ask them. One lady even told me she waited and when I didn’t show up, she was a little disappointed. You know, this is something we all can do. Usually doesn’t take too much time out of our day to show up once a week and brighten their day. Go in, say hi, let them talk for a while, you sometimes don’t even have to say anything.
The knitting group is always interesting. They laugh, talk, eat cookies and drink tea as they knit squares that become blankets for those who don’t have one. I guess that is the beauty of these amazing people. They love to visit and many times are sitting waiting for someone to come and see them. You would be surprised at how many seniors sit alone day in and day out with only the tv for company.
We are missing out on something amazing and energizing. My dad told me more than once, “Learn from my mistakes because you won’t live long enough to make them all yourself”. Which meant I needed to sit with him and listen. I have been visiting seniors for over fifty-five years and have never regretted giving up my time to listen to amazing stories. So I think of that first senior I visited way back inmy youth. It was Henry, a very tall proud man who was born into slavery. His wheel chair was old as well and he sat taller than me in the chair.
You know, there is a huge similarity between our seniors and God. They both sit many times, alone, waiting for our weekly visit. God waits patiently for us to come in to visit with Him and hear His-story (history). Don’t miss out, you will never regret either visit.
Something to think about


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