Robin's Nest

Monday, July 18, 2016


“A place for everything and everything in its place”. At least that is what the line tells us. Hate that line because I can’t make it happen. I know a few people that live it and very well. If there is any envy in my life it is for them. I try, but for some reason a place for everything usually turns out to be the top of my desk. There have been times when everything turned into never finding the top of my desk. If they do get away somewhere, I can never find them again.
At home, we were able to take care of it for a while until there were too many things looking for too few empty places. I also noticed some of our things were too big and not enough big spaces to put them in. It’s fascinating looking through a wonderful new book on how to create big spaces in small homes. Well, we did one they mention. We put a staircase to the attic. Wrong move. Now there is too much up there. When I go up there myself, I turn back the pages of time to wonderful memories of my grandparent’s attic searching for treasures and finding at one time, a bag of wooden marbles.
Life gives us other moments, at least those who can’t seem to make this line a reality. Have you ever had company coming and one or two cupboards or closets became the catch all of things that were just sitting around gathering dust? And isn’t it interesting, most of that stuff stays there? Just saying. Hey, they found a place! It’s one of life’s unfathomable mysteries.
But there is one hiding place God put in our lives where we can store more treasures then we ever imagined and that is memorization. There are a good number of verses that I learned a long time ago, verses like, Psalm 119:11 “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you”. There definitely is room in our hearts for the words of the bible. Words that will at some time in our life bring peace and assurance that God is in charge and He cares for us. Other words like Psalms 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me”. What verse do you have stored away?
Something to think about.


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