Questions, Questions and More Questions
Don’t you
just love it when someone asks you a question? I’ll give you an example. At the
check- out they inevitably ask, “Did you find everything you were looking for
today?” MMMM, let me think, no, I couldn’t find my wife! The clerk didn’t
laugh. Then just the other day someone asked me, “What do you think?” If
it's a simple question, five seconds and you're done. But if it is
something with significant depth, you can possibly answer one of two ways. The first one is to
say, “Well, . . .” and then you go on and on about what you think about a
certain issue. But remember what they may really want is to tell you what they
think. Answering a question like this is all well and good if you know for sure
the person really wants to know what your opinion.
The second
way to answer a similar question is to do what a good counselor would do. The counselor would just say, “Well, what do
you think?” Done this many times and lived to tell. Thank you - Counselling 101.
I have found this works best with most people. Yes, they appreciate your view
but in the final analysis, some just want to voice their own opinions and have someone listen, and agree with them. And that
is decent as well. It gives people a voice and gives you opportunity to listen.
As my mother used to say, “You learn more when you keep your mouth closed and your ears open”.
If you’re
wondering why I am asking, it’s because Jesus once asked a very specific question
in Matt 16. He began by casually asked all the disciples, “Who do people say I am?”
Again, a five second answer. It's interesting their answers to that one as you can read later on your own. But then Jesus got very
pointed about the question. He turned to Peter and said, “And who do you say
that I am?” Every person who has ever lived will have to answer that question.
There is no getting away from it. Peter answered with words from heaven. He
said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!” One day, Jesus will ask
you. What will you say?
Something to
think about
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