Robin's Nest

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lots of Time

Lots of time. That’s what I was telling myself. My daughter was in the process of taking us to the airport. It was early, too early for some. People say I get up before God but that’s not true, He’s still up. Crossed over at Niagara Falls with no delay and all was going according to plan. No hurry. Just a good time, talking, sharing, making great time and looking forward to being away from the hustle and bustle.
Lots of time. At the airport, we had only one case to hand over. When we did, the woman said something that caught us by surprise. She said, “have a great flight but if you don’t make it just come back here.” I thanked her and mused over what she said for about twenty-seven and one half seconds. Things changed really fast when we looked at the line up for security. Don’t know what it was but there were so many people waiting to get through security we knew we were now in trouble. We both looked at our watches at the same time. Forty minutes until the flight left and two hours wait in the security line. Now, I don’t know if you pray for the trivial but we thought we would give it a shot.
Lots of time? Five minutes went by and we had moved a whole twenty feet. Looked at our watches again and knew it wasn’t going to work. Just as we were ready to give up, a security person came up to us and asked if she could give me a card to hand in as we went through the security. I said I could do that but we had a flight in thirty-five minutes. Her reply stopped us, “you’re not going to make it.” Knowing a little about the security there we asked if the auxiliary security is open. Over she went to the window and told us that it was just about to open and we could go over to it.
With that, she took the paper, gave it to the people behind us and ushered us over to the door and a short line of thirty people. Through the check point and up the stairs, flag down a people transporter and we made it with four minutes to spare. Seated in our assigned seat, we relaxed knowing we had made it and an insignificant prayer was answered.
But how many people are there who are waiting until the last minute to turn their lives over to Christ? How many people are saying, “Lots of time!” You have said it, I have said it, life is too short. If it is really that short, maybe, there is no longer lots of time for you.
Something to think about.


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