Robin's Nest

Monday, July 07, 2008

Spring Cleaning & Then Some.

Why does spring cleaning always last well into summer? I remember as a kid, it only lasted about a week. Everyone in the family joined together to get it all done. There was the taking off of the storm windows, cleaning them and putting them away. Then the raking of the leaves and picking up of all that winter debris. As teens we helped out knowing that as soon as we were done, we could just settle into the summer vacation with nothing to do. Or so we thought.
Either we were not too observant or life has changed since those simpler times. I have not figured out which. Seems like today there is more to do for spring cleaning. Yes, we still start with the storm windows. Don’t wash them when I take them off. Finally realized that you have to wash them before you put them back up come October. Seems like we have more garbage floating around the property now. I believe it’s a sinister plot by the neighbourhood to just let their stuff blow over to my yard. Well, that’s what I think.
Then there is the cleaning inside. Remember taking all the things out of the cupboards and drawers, washing them out, washing what was in them and then putting it all back together. Seems like we have twice the number of cupboards I remember as a kid. Just when we think we have it all done, the spring planting season begins. Annuals here, perennials there. New shrubs planted after the old overgrown ones are pulled out . . . When is this ever going to end?
I honestly believe we have too many things, houses that are too big and more money then is needed to keep body and soul together.
Well, we have almost finished the spring cleaning and only two weeks into summer. Two more storm windows to come off today. Water the wilting annuals and begin the summer chores. There are the eves to paint and . . . You lucky people with vinyl and aluminum. Seems like spring, summer cleaning is a never-ending battle.
But I have learned something from all of this. It is great to have something to do, and strength to do it. God never made us to just sit in the rocking chair and watch the world go by day after day. He made us to do things. We may be human BEINGS but we are also to some extent, human DOERS. And there is the importance of life. We are to do things for ourselves and make our life meaningful. What is the legacy we leave behind? We are to do things for others. What wonderful things we can accomplish as we share the load of life. Lastly I believe we are to do things for God. Jesus last words to all of us come in Matthew 28, “Therefore go . . . ” Something to do! Come on along. It’s so much easier when we do it together.
Something to think about


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

7:43 pm GMT-5  

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