Robin's Nest

Monday, June 30, 2008

Plugged In

Have you ever had something to do that you totally dread doing? Something so horrendous, something so dreadfully difficult that, even though it needs to be done, you just put it off and put it off? And yet, our children just jump in and tackle these jobs with enthusiasm and excitement. Just read the manual they say.
These jobs have more to do with technology and little to do with getting it wrong. I have read the manuals and understood the concept and felt educated enough that, as the brochure said, anyone can do this. Yes, I am talking about buying and installing new electronics equipment.
If you are more than sixty, you know what I mean. If you are less than fifty you smile because you know what I mean and it’s comical to you. “Nothing to it” they say. Just humour us okay. Admittedly, there is nothing to it. After reading the manual I found out there was five ways of hooking it up. I tried the first three and realized that you can’t get there from here.
The same thing with all those new phones. Or whatever they are called. MP3, Ipod, Blackberry, blueberry, huckleberries . . . Or for us old folk, elderberry. Again with the age thing. I can’t see what they are trying to tell me to do. My MP3 player is wonderful and my daughter gave it to me so I could listen to all my favourite music but, but, you have to input it to play it and I can’t read the display on it. I read the manual. The screen is smaller than a Canadian 53 cents stamps. Try reading the word Canada and the price the next time you are at the post office.
I even went to the eye doctor to have my eyes examined. Did you know they design the signs outside their offices to reflect the exam you are about to have? I guess it has something to do with studying for the exam. My eyes are fine. No problem he said. Then I hand the MP3 player to him and after he had listened to Glenn Millers, “Tuxedo Junction” and “Danny Boy,” he handed it back to me and said, “Get a magnifying glass for small work”
Small work?
Deborah asked me to install the new VHS player. I know that they don’t make VHS anymore. But we have lots of them to watch and I have yet to figure out how to work the DVD recorder. Now, don’t get on me about Blueray or Sunray or whatever the new stuff is. I told her I would get to the VHS and placed it on the table. Early Sunday morning, while she was sleeping, I got up and sat cross-legged on the floor and read the manual. Pulling the old one out, I did what any normal halfway intelligent male would do. I pulled out one wire at a time and put it in the corresponding spot on the new one. PRESTO! It was done. When Deborah came down for breakfast, she was impressed. Or so she made me believe.
On the way to church I had to smile. Here I was, plugged into a God who is so uncomplicated, that all we have to know is, He loves us and cares for us, and sent His Son to take away our sins. Want to really get plugged into Him? Just read the manual.
Something to think about.


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