Robin's Nest

Monday, June 02, 2008

Just One Thing

If you could do one important thing and only one thing, what would you do? I’m not talking about going and sitting on a beach somewhere or driving over to Tim Horton’s for a coffee. What I mean is, if you could do anything in life, what would it be? Something that takes effort and when done, can be seen as an accomplishment.
Pretend you are at church and I asked you this question. I would encourage you to write it down. Get a pen out, and write it down on your bulletin. And for those of you at home, write it on a scape piece of paper or even in the margin of the newspaper. Write down what is a deep down dream of yours. Something that burns in your mind and heart? Something you have always wanted to do? Come on, stop right here and write it down. Now remember, it can be anything but it has to involve physical or mental activity.
Some of you will pick something light and refreshing. Like standing over the flower bed and watering the plants knowing the effort will result in larger colourful plants. Or it could be going over to the neighbours while there are away on holidays and weeding their garden, take in their mail and read their paper for them. It could be taking the time to visit one person more at the lodge or long term home.
Then we can really approach the world of fantasy. Write a book? Compose some music or a song. Pretend you are Arthur Fiedler. How about, develop an automobile that runs on water. What do you mean, it’s already been done? Perfect that hydrogen car. Did you know that we are all made to do something? God created in our DNA something that is itching to get done.
It doesn’t matter if it’s in the church or outside. Don’t care if it touches only one person or changes the lives of the world. God created each of us to do one thing and one thing only. Hold on, we can do lots of things and that is true. But I believe God created each of us to do one thing better then anyone else. Do you know what yours is? Look at what you wrote down. Does it fit the criteria?
I’ll say it again, God, created you to do one thing while you are here using oxygen and taking up space. One thing in this world that no one on earth can do a well as you. Now the tricky part. Not only do you know what it is, but have you done it? Are you doing it? Are you hoping someone else will do it? Yes God can get someone else. But that someone else was created by God to do their thing and not yours.
Haven’t found the time? Don’t know where to start? Afraid of failure? Afraid of the cost or the time or the . . . Don’t be. The God who created it in you will be there to help you and to guide you and to bring it to fulfillment.
Have you started yet? I’m not waiting, but He is.
Something to think about


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