Just One Line
Some people have them in their head while others have them on paper. Myself, I have so many I found it easier to put them on paper. The problem was, I had this large pile of paper, scraps and full pieces, that continually fell over. Sometimes on the desk and unfortunately, sometimes on the floor.
After this happening a few times I decided to invest in a note book. You know the kind. The ones the stenographers used to use. Don’t think they do that anymore. I would even go as far as saying they don’t use Dictaphones either. No mater, I have one and started to use it. With this change I had another problem that confronted me. That being the transfer of the notes to the book. It went along fine for a while, but I seemed to tire of it easily. Then I had a better idea. Why not put them in a file on the computer. Brilliant I thought. So, I started to type them into a file that I called, “One Liners”. This went along very well until, I wanted to find one of them. Never have found it. But I did add one thing to the title of the file, They are now called “One Liners 08” But only for this year. By the way I have a new problem, I changed to a new computer.
What I do in the future is unknown. But I do know that I am still on the search for the best way to store and remember all these one liners. At church I used one each Sunday in the bulletin as a thought for the people to take home with them. After all, most people never remember the sermon anyway.
Here are a few that I have right in front of me, on paper I might add.
“Where is God in the snow storm? Making the next Day.”
“A change will not occur unless you do something to change it.”
“A journey begins with the first step.”
“The things that consume you, own you.”
It would take the rest of this paper to print them all. But you get the idea. They are thought provokers. They make you think. Mostly about life. Your life. We are all on a journey and at different times it only takes one line to change direction or consider a new destination. Just so you know, the bible is full of one liners. We notice them jumping out at us. Sometimes the words of Jesus. Other times they are the words of the writer, like Paul, or John. Someone asked me recently what the most significant one liner from scripture that has got me thinking right now. Not an easy one to answer. This is not my life verse or my favourite verse or even the most known verse but the one at this point in my life is the most significant. Without hesitation I said, “Matthew 28:19.” “And what does it say to you?” they asked.
“Go!” I am still on my way.
Something to think about
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