As many of you know, I write my weekly column on Monday mornings. And today, Monday morning is a very special morning to me. I so look forward to these special days. After all, they only come a few times a year. It just happens that this one always comes on a Monday. Besides this one, there is the day after Halloween. Another couple are, the day after Valentines day and the day after Christmas. It is on those days that I head down to the store early. Being an early riser, I have no problem getting the morning things done and cleared away in time to make the trip to one, maybe two stores. This morning will be no different because it is the day after Easter and all the chocolate is on for half price!!! Such great mornings these mornings after. Store owners don’t want it anymore. After all, who wants Easter chocolate the morning after the event. In my own thinking I would put some away for the Orthodox Easter but that is another story. To most people, hollow eggs and bunnies are just that, hollow. The store owners think it is using up valuable space where the next greatest thing can be displayed. So, people like me, and there are many, make the trip down to Zellers and Walmart and buy the most wonderful thing this side of heaven. Not really. We just buy it because we are chocoholics and half price is half price. In our lives there are many days like today. It’s called the morning after. The morning after your graduation. The morning after the baby is born. The morning after moving into the new house and maybe the morning after falling in love for the first time. Unlike the chocolate days these ones are memorable. There is something in the excitement of life moments when we can sit back and reflect on what just happened. Those first day when you move into your future with excitement of what is coming next. You are probably right now thinking of one that brings a smile to your face. The day after reconnecting with a lost love. The day after that special vacation by the lake with all your family around you. The day is finished but not in your mind and heart. God gives us these moments so we can get through the everyday grind of living in this fallen world. The memory of them carries us to the next one and the next one and the next one. In His infinite knowledge of the human animal, He realizes that this special days’ brightness makes a difference to our everyday struggles through life. But there is one day final day after coming that will be like no other. It will be better then any day after chocolate morning. That day will be your resurrection morning. If you haven’t given your heart to Christ, do it today and look forward to that resurrection morning that’s coming soon! What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, And I look upon His face, The One who saved me by His grace; When He takes me by the hand And leads me through the Promised Land, What a day, glorious day that will be. Something to think about. Rob
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