Robin's Nest

Monday, August 20, 2018

Just Shout It Out

I sometimes think about weird stuff, like, there is no such thing as total darkness. What we perceive as darkness according to Einstein, is actually the absence of light. See what I mean.  There's a sermon there somewhere.
When I was a young teen I used to love listening to all kinds of music. Classical, Jazz, Country and yes, Rock & Roll. Listening to music turned up to 14 on a ten scale from a big radio perched on my shoulder like lots of guys around was never me.
No sir, I would wait until everyone had gone out for the evening and I would lie on the floor with a speaker on each side of the room. Slowly but surely I would turn the music down as low as I could but still be able to hear it clearly. Back then it was much less than a one on the ten scale, not so much today.
Just yesterday I was on the computer and one of those inane commercial pops up and started screaming at me. I turned the volume down to zero. Wait; there is one of those crazy things I think of. Why do we have a zero on a scale when all that we need to do is hit mute? Or should it be the other way around?
Just then a song came into my mind….the only one that I love to turn up the volume. The song is Pass It On. What I remembered was the chorus; “I’ll shout it from the mountain top, (HEY WORLD) I want my world to know, the Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on”.   
Our world is full of all kinds of screaming messages that want to get our attention but the only one that makes a difference in our life and the lives of those around us is the sound of Jesus voice saying, ‘Come to me all you who are carrying too much of a load and I will give you rest.’  The message, “Jesus Saves”.
Something to think & shout about!


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