Robin's Nest

Monday, December 04, 2017

Just Look Up

Psalms 19:1 had it right this past weekend and you can still get another look when it happen again the first and last of January.  This is what it says, “The heavens declared the glory of God”. Did you had opportunity to witness the Super Moon? I took notice of it twice these last few days. Sunday morning the moon seemed to be shadowing me as I drove to work. It was big and bright and beautiful. That is, until the fog moved in.  A number of minutes later, the fog cleared and it's beauty shone again in the early morning sky.  God wasn't finished yet. He brought it back to all of us Sunday evening. What an amazing sight, especially with binoculars.  
Many years ago a young child asked me why the moon is there in the sky. Personally I don't know why God put it there but it is just another demonstration of God’s power and beauty. Before we were here, He decided to show anyone and everyone His presence and David noticed. I said to the child that maybe God wanted to give us light to guide our way on dark nights. All of us have dark nights in our life. Those times when life is hard and the dark nights seem so long.
This reminded me of a story about Einstein. Seems his teacher needed a lesson. He asked the teacher if there is such a thing as total darkness. The teacher said yes only to hear from the young Einstein that he was wrong. What he said back then was there is no such things as total darkness, as it is actually the absence of light.
And so it is with us when we get closer to Christmas. We light five candles to represent light in a dark world. Jesus said to His disciples, "I am the light of the world". We are all searching for light in our dark world, something to shine in our lives to make the world a brighter place. That light is Jesus.
That is what I thought as I looked out over the back yard to the super moon and realizing that indeed, Jesus lights our path day by day and sometimes He uses creation to do it.
Something to think about


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