Robin's Nest

Monday, April 25, 2016

Shine Jesus Shine!

As I was looking around the internet this last week I came upon a very interesting site that talked all about light in our world and LED lighting.  With a number of satellite images it demonstrated the increase of night time light. It was fascinating to see but also interesting due to the new LED streetlight outside my bedroom window.
Since they put up that light (the first in our area I might add), I have had to grow accustom to a brighter not so dark bedroom. No problem but it’s still strong. I have also replaced all the light bulbs in our home as well. Lots of light and, ready, lower electricity costs. In the last two months we have only used $35. in electricity. Marvelous if I do say so myself. In the article they also talked about how the night time animals have had to get accustom to all this new light. Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.
The interesting thing that came to mind was, as important as light is at night, more so is light needed in our hearts and world. Jesus said two important things. One, He told us that He was the light of the world. His light dispels the darkness. More and more of the world is endeavouring to turn Christ’s light off. It’s a dark place out there and getting darker with each passing day. The reason is connected with the second thing Christ had to say. He said that we are the light of the world and unlike what the rest of the story said, we hide this light under a bushel of sin and darkness in the world we live in. Some of us are afraid to let that light shine and the darkness gets ever darker.
It is past time that we replace the incandescent light of life with the LED light of Christ. Our true understanding of all this is we are in need of getting connected to the source of this true light and letting His light shine in us as the verse tells us, “let you light so shine before men that they may see you good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The song is true, “Shine Jesus Shine”.
Something to think about.  


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