Robin's Nest

Monday, August 01, 2011

Before Time Slips Away

Did you plan ahead this summer? Just think, we are half way threw our Ontario summer. We have gone through five weeks of summer so far and it was one hot time. And just like every other time period, we have half the people praising it and half the people complaining. I sometimes wonder if you can please everyone. Did Abraham Lincoln say something about not being able to “please all the people all the time?” Just this morning my neighbour said to me at 9:30, “This is perfect weather.” He meant at 9:30 not three hours later when the sun was high as the humidity.
I did some planning this spring. I started planning a grass cutting schedule and then it stopped raining. One thing I don’t need to do. We also planned the planting of annuals. Well, we finally got them in a couple of weeks late, just after the last rainfall if I remember correctly. Now, some have made it and some didn’t. Second thing I don’t have to do anymore, water.
Now for the really scary part about our Ontario summer. Lots of people, who, way back in April, started planning for the summer vacation and all the wonderful things they could do. Today, they are still working the plan. These individuals are no doubt, in full swing, preparing for school. I know! One person I know, who will go nameless, has finished her Sept. school shopping. As I walked around some stores last week I discovered to my horror, that many of the stores had already cleared out the summer stuff and were starting to stock the shelves with, ready for it, “Back to School” items. Just the words every child in Ontario wants to hear. Well, almost every parent wants to hear. Maybe my friend is in a hurry? ? ?
All kidding aside. To some degree, we are all a bunch of planners, aren’t we? For the most part, it’s a good thing. Nothing can sneak up on us without us being aware. In the past we had day planners and wall calendars. Our computers now tell us what is coming up and what we have to prepare for. My computer also tells me a day ahead when birthdays are. And that is something indispensable for men who are prone to forget anniversaries.
Planning ahead can also keep us focused on what is important. I remember a long time ago when I didn’t. In school I seldom planned ahead for the inevitable exam. So I suffered the consequences. Either I had little sleep the night before or low grades. And sometimes both. I think the same is true in our faith. We all plan to grow in our faith and spend time with Jesus, but time gets away and “stuff” gets in the way. We really did plan for time with God. To read our Bibles and think about what we just read. We might also think that the summer is just slipping away on us. We can change all this. It’s not too late. There might just be a little time tonight to work the plan. After all, God had lots of time to meet with us whenever we can and wherever we are. That is, before time slips away. Don’t let it happen again today.
Something to think about.


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