Robin's Nest

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hit Me!

Have you ever wondered how important you are? If you would like to count, you can say, kids, parents, spouse, and some brothers or sisters. Then you start to run out of names. I was listening to someone talk about twitter the other day and they mentioned that someone like Justin Bieber has X amount of followers. Football and hockey personalities have the same. And believe it or not, so do many well-known Christian preachers, like Rick Warren and Andy Stanley.
It is just mind boggling how important some of these people are to others. I guess this question comes about from something I read on It went something like, “Did you see, so and so’s wedding dress?” Well, I don’t care but I guess there are thousands who do.
That got me thinking. So, I typed into the Goggle search engine the word, Christian. There are 791 million sites related to that word. Add “ity” to the end and we have 67.4 million. So, type in God and there is 967 million sites, Jesus, 401 million, Christ, 224 million, Jesus Christ, 70.6 million, Holy Spirit, 22.1 million and Barlow gave me 165,000. I guess I’m just a drop in the bucket.
But this is so wonderful that there are that many places where we can go and read about God and Jesus and the HS. Only a few years back, we had to go to libraries and search for what we thought we needed. Today it’s at our finger tips. How things have change. How cool is that?
This was exciting to me to know that so many individuals sat and entered so many things about God. It moved me to realize that God is not dead nor is He not thought of or just something out there. He is the God of the universe and there is no doubt about it.
Just for fun I decided to type in my proper legal name. What I received on the screen was, ready, 14 sites that had my name. I looked at them quickly and realized that I was the person who put 12 of them on the web. Only two have been added by someone else. Compared to God, forget the bucket, I’m a minnow in the ocean. But while I was going over this in my mind, God said to me, “That’s okay child, I know who you are, and know the number of hairs on your head and I sent my Son to die that you might have life and have it eternally.”
The wonder of it all is, He says that same thing to you.
Something to think about.


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