What Sign?
Doing some more thinking lately. Seems like I have too much time on my hands and nothing to do. Not really, just no enthusiasm to get up and get going due to all this rain. But I have been thinking. . . and getting pretty serious with myself. I read about people in the bible asking for a sign. The floor is supposed to be wet and the wool dry and then the next night, the floor dry and the wool wet. It was as he asked but then he still wanted more of a sign. What’s about that? Just wondering if that is the same with us. We ask God for a sign about this and that. “Should I do, such and such? If so, give me a sign.” Or we say we are ready to go and be committed, “If you give me a sign I will do anything you want.” I know someone who did that continually. Had many signs but never believed any of them were from God. How does this work? “Lord, I will dedicate my whole day to you tomorrow if the sun comes up and there is not rain.” The sun came up and they say, “It was going to come up anyway”, and they just go about their regular activities. Even thought about what I would ask God and how He could tell me with a sign. Well for a minute or two. The thing that got me thinking was a line I read. It is the reversal of this line. It has to do with really and true dedicating our lives to God. Do we really mean what we say and say what we mean? We say we are Christ followers but are we. We say we give our lives over to God but maybe we keep 44 minutes to ourselves so we can watch two episodes of “Two and One Half Men”. What’s with that? This is the line, read it with care: “What if God is asking us for a sign?" Wow! Man, does that ever hurt. Unfortunately for some, it’s true. I include myself in those some. Just think about it for a while. I have been. Take an afternoon to digest what it is saying. Take the day off if need be to search your heart and feel how your life is in alignment with God’s will for your life. We ask God all the time to take our life, to make us an instrument of His love. But then we just might hear God softly saying, “Show me”. It’s past time for us to be able to say to Him, “Here is a sign to show how much we love you and worship you in our lives.” And that my friend is something to think about. RB
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