It's Quiet Right Now

We no longer live in a world that is devoid of some sort of noise. Our kids are constantly listening to something. Either from their MP3’s or IPods or cell phones or just the click click click of their thumbs running over the keyboards of their smart phones or I pads or all ten digits dancing on their computer keyboards. They are constantly surrounded by some sort of sound. So much for my silence, the fridge just started up. Just kidding.
How our world is changing. Even when we go into church things have changed. I can remember, now don’t date me, when we were encouraged to sit in absolute silence, just to prepare our hearts for worship. That to is gone. Our services are now filled with “Music that helps us prepare our hearts. Or some other such thing. We even fill the time before services to talk to everyone else who just happened to show up early and wanting to share every detail of their complicated, overloaded schedule of life. And their conversation always ended with the statement, “Hope the minister isn’t too long winded today as we have to. . .”.
Maybe we all need to just chill. To look for moments like this. Time when we can kick back, close our eyes, and just enjoy the peace that only silence can give us. How about the scripture that says; The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep you hearts and minds. . . . Doesn’t your bible also read, “Be still and know that I am God”? In quiet, our heart can hear the whisper of God to our hearts ears. In quiet moments just like this, we might make time where God can get a word edgewise.
Something to think about.
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