Robin's Nest

Monday, March 07, 2011

It's Dinner Time

Do you agree with this statement? I believe God has an amazing way of teaching us, caring, and rewarding us. When I was a kid, mom fed us many things. She did the best she could. We didn’t have much but we did have enough. There were those bags of Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice for breakfast. Didn’t like it much but the alternative wasn’t good at all. There were other times she put things on our plates that I was convinced should never have been invented or grown or taken out of an animal. Like Brussel Spouts, and kidney or liver or even coffee tasting chocolates. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I found out why we had some of those things. It was all we could afford. She gave us the best she could and sometimes did without herself so we could have three squares a day.
On the whole, mom supplied us four kids with all the nourishment we needed. In most cases we were glad for what we had and even thanked God for it. Remember that this was before fast food. My first recollection of going out for a meal was when my sister treated all of us to lunch one Mother’s Day. I believe I would have been eight or ten. Mom did something else we didn’t know about. She had a running account at the Groceteria at the end of the street. This was before credit cards. That one act, feed us when no money was to be had. Maybe that is why I will never put any food on my Visa today.
As I reflect today, I can see a reflection of God in what she did. Our lives are filled with things that nourish our bodies, minds and spirits, each and every day. I’m not just talking about physical care now. And just like many years ago, they are there for our good. We read God’s word and realize it’s also there for our good. We apply it and our lives are made better. At other times, life isn’t so wonderful. There are times in our lives when we have things come at us that we don’t like or want. But God walks with us thorough it. Just recently I heard Dr. Steve Brown say something like this; Unbelievers get something and a believer gets something as well and it’s just so the world can see the difference. And so can we.
I remember my mom feeding us fried liver. It was nasty. I can hear her voice even today; “When you finish that you can have dessert.” Can you hear God’s voice tonight? “When dinner is all over, we get dessert.” Oh, by the way, Jesus paid the bill.
Something to think about


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