Heavy Snows Of Life
It snowed here the other day. No, not anything like London/Sarnia have recently experienced. And I’m not looking for sympathy. I just thought of something that relates to what I saw. I know that snow is not new at this time of year. But this time it was different. We had a light snow all morning and it looked nice and pretty and white and cool and all those things. It continued for a while and only amounted to an inch or two. Maybe three centimeters for you modern people. As I observed what had happened I thought I would just sit back and let it go its course. After all, not much to shovel.
Then everything changed. In an instant it came fast and furious. Within minutes I could not see the stop lights only four houses away. No one saw this one coming. In a very short time we had five or six inches. Wow! It’s been a while since we have seen it come down like that. Turning on the weather channel they said this is the first significant snow in over a year for us down here in the banana belt of Ontario. I guess that is why it took me by surprise. I also know that the people closer to London/Sarnia are saying, “yea, so.”
The interesting thing about our snow this week was how quickly it came and then it was gone. Not even an hour. It started and then, gone. I was left standing there wondering what happened. With the snow finished, I bundled up and ventured out to not only enjoy the beauty of it, but to survey the damage and then to deal with it. Shovel in hand, I patiently took my time moving it out of the way preparing for when we needed to get out the driveway.
Things in our lives can pounce on us just the same. At times, troubles of life descend on us without warning and we stand there in disbelief. Not knowing how long it will last, how devastating it might be, we just stand there. And, just like this snow that started and ended, we get through it. We pull up our socks, put the shoulder to the wind and get to work. That is how life is and that is how God made us. To take all that life throws at us and to not only get through it but to be stronger because of it.
The best part, as my neighbour came out to help, we are not alone in life either. We have each other to hold on to and we have a God who loves us and sent His Son to walk with us.
Something to think about.
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