Whose That?
It was picture evening this past week. For a while I have put off dealing with the pile of lost photographs. Well, they aren’t really lost, it’s just that I can’t remember what year many of these wayward photos were taken. We were doing this so they can return to their proper album. Was it 2002 or 2006? Was it before the operation or after the kitchens remodel? So, to really put motivation to the task I recruited two others. This way the job could be done very quickly and probably with more accuracy. After all three heads are better then one. But, do you know what happened? Yes, we started talking about this person and this event. About what a good time we had here and “I remember . . . ” You get the idea. What a delightful time. I have a cousin who stays in Arizona every winter and he sends out new pictures every week. So good to see what he is doing, where they are going, the people and the scenery.
As of right now, we have more than 50 photo albums. Twelve of them are from the past and a handful is from the distant past. They not only predate me but they predate almost everyone alive today. One has a hand made leather binding. We look at them and do exactly what you do. We ask ourselves, “Wonder who that is?” Luckily for me, I have one of my dad’s cousins who knows. So, I scan the picture and send it to his inbox and get back a list of people I don’t know but who are family. And for many of you, please go to your photo albums and write on the back who the people are and when the photo was taken and at what event. Sure will help future generations.
In the midst of this we noticed something else. It doesn’t take long to look at certain people and notice the changes over the years. Some baby pictures took a while to clue in on. Then we were definitively able to say it’s this person or that. One thing is for sure, going through 50 albums made us realize, we are all changing. We are all different then we used to be. We also realize, it doesn’t just happen in looks or growth or maturing. It happens in our hearts and who we are becoming.
We are not what we used to be. As the Bible says, we are changing every minute and are in the process of becoming more like Him. And when we come to Christ we are changed and become a new creation, the old is gone and the new has come. One day, when the last trumpet of God sounds we will be changed one last time. At that moment we will be transformed into the likeness of His son and we will behold Him.
Looking in the mirror tells part of the story but looking inside our hearts tells so much more. What do you see in your heart? Are you changing to be like Him?
Something to think about.
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