Give Your Head A Shake
Have you ever been in a position, or place where you wanted to shake your own head? We all have been in situations where we see someone or watch someone, or listen to someone and all we can think is, “Give Your Head a Shake.” Well, just maybe some people look at us and think the same thing. Heaven forbid that they would actually say it. We hope that it is not as often as we think it of others. But have you ever thought that while you look at yourself? It happened the time you did something stupid? Sorry. Not supposed to use that word, it’s not politically correct. (Now there is a time I would like to say, "Give your h. . ." You know, the time you did something out of the ordinary? At times I have, yes I’m admitting it, done things I realized after the fact, how should I say this, were out of character for me. I can see everyone reading along and thinking to yourself, “give me an example.” Sorry, there are too many to choose from. If you know me, you don’t really need an example and I can see you sitting there remembering and laughing.
When we become more retrospective, we realize that it has happened more times then enough. Maybe that’s part of the memory we have that we would be willing to forget. So, sit back and think for a moment and ask yourself, “Did I really do that?” or “What was I thinking” or even, “What on earth possessed me to do that?” I like the last one because it talks about possession and that is something a preacher can really get into. We can talk about Satan and Hell and Fire and brimstone and . . . Sorry, I was starting to get carried away.
As we sit reflecting, here are three things we need to think about. First; we all do it and those that think they don’t, Yes You Do! Just don’t tell anyone. The second is; in most cases it will become an anecdotal event in your life. Most times it will not be the experience that changes lifes’ outcome. And it may even be the memory that brings a smile decades later. Like right now. Lastly, I don’t think God ever says, “Give your head a shake.” And He is the one whose opinion we covet. When Jesus was talking with the Samaritan woman at the well, He knew all about her life. Not once did he put her down. The people of the town were doing enough of that. Not once did he tell her to smarten up. Her neighbours were definitely saying that. Not once did He call her a sinner. The synagogue attenders were thinking that. What did Jesus say and think? He saw someone in need of love. He lead her into a deeper wonderful relationship with His Father and to recognize Him for who He was. “Jesus declared, I who speak to you am the Messiah.” And so, not to worry. God watches us at times and just smiles. Thank you Jesus, I needed that. Something to think about.
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