Okay, who is it? I want to know the person or persons who keeps on singing, “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow”? Someone out there thinks this is funny. Just get the driveway done and BOOM, out we go again. If that wasn’t so bad, someone a week or so ago must have been singing along with Gene Kelly, “I’m singin’ in the Rain”. I have one word for you, “Quit it!” Okay, it’s two words but you know what I’m saying?
There is a phrase in my vocabulary that I don’t like and it goes like this, “Too much of a good thing”. Well, except for chocolate. But there is another, “Enough is enough!” Know what I mean? Maybe it would be good to get it all in one shot and have it done with. More people have been using this phrase since Christmas, “It is Canada and it is winter” then I have ever heard in a long time.
Remember the winter of ‘77 or ‘78. Lots of snow. But we were younger then. It was definitely a good thing this years first dump of snow melted. Went by the mall yesterday and there was so much snow pilled up around the perimeter that I couldn’t see the buildings. Now that’s a lot of snow. Or how about the snow plow that drives by at 3:30 am and piles it up at the end of the drive just so we can get our morning exercise in before going off to work or play.
Sometime, just sometime there is too much of a good thing. Yes, you read right. Too much of a good thing. It may be true that we need the cold and snow to kill all the germs and we need it to help the plants get ready for spring. Someone out west told me once that we need the snow to cover the dirt and protect it from blowing away. There are all kinds of reasons we need snow. So, reluctantly I will admit, it’s nice to look out the window in the morning and see a fresh layer of snow. It’s not only part of God’s creation, its part of His plan to blanket the land in sleep.
As I stand here, looking out the kitchen door, watching the late morning reflective sun rise on the fresh snow , I am reminded that there is one special ‘too much’ and that is God Himself. There is never too much of God in our lives. Every minute of every day is filled with His presence. The seasons come and go, but He is there. The snow has occasions of coming and goings, but He is there always and forever. Maybe the snow is one of God’s ways to slow us down in this frantic world. Slow us down so we can appreciate some time with Him.
Stop pushing the snow, lean on the handle and look around. Do you see Him? Never too much of God? I think not.
Something to think about
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