Robin's Nest

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Step At A Time

Yes, another Sunday snowfall. After church this past Sunday I decided to go for a walk. Not something I do very often but it looked so nice out and my granddaughter was over and she wanted to venture out. We went to see how beautiful it was outside and not just observe it from the warm side of the glass. I knew this would take some preparation with coat, scarf, gloves and boots. Like you, I’m past the point of worrying about how I look. Practicality reminds me, it’s cold out there and I will be warm no matter how bad I look. Sorry, no knitted hats please. Haven’t gone that far yet.
So there we were, standing at the end of the driveway, looking first one way, then the other, trying to decide which way to go. One way I could see there were a good number of sidewalks shoveled and the other way the same. So, I did what any normal male would do, I counted the number of sidewalks not shoveled and started walking toward the most shoveled. Elementary, we males would say.
Each time I came to an un-shoveled sidewalk, I did what every male who is worth his salt would do, I walked right on through. After all, we’re strong and we can take it. That is until the snow went over the top of the footwear. Now don’t get me wrong. I can take a little snow. Used to love playing in the snow with the girls. Oh, right, that was looong ago.
But I got through that. On I walked. One young fellow was out shoveling and only stopped long enough to let me by. I think he was angry because I saw dad looking out the front window with a coffee in his hand. Then there was the fellow who ran his snow blower up and down, up and down. Smile on his face. He stopped long enough to say how wonderful it was and the blower really makes small work of a big job.
Then another un-shoveled walk. With a wet sock on my right foot I decided to give in to the snow and walk softly. I had been cooled once and that was enough. With confidence I stepped forward and right into the foot prints of someone else.
How easily we can get though life by just following in anothers footsteps. My mom told me a long time ago that her oldest brother would put on the snowshoes every morning. He would then walk ahead of all the girls on their way to school in rural Manitoba.
In front of us have been many people whose shoes we could never presume to wear. But, we can follow in their foot steps and how wonderfully to know, that Jesus Christ has gone before all of us, and we can follow in His.
“Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” I Cor. 11:1
Something to think about


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