Robin's Nest

Monday, December 01, 2008

First Week of Advent

If you are reading this, you probably are up and moving. Like me you climbed out of bed, placed both feet on the floor and made your first major decision already. Maybe you have made more then the decision to put one foot in front of the other. Just maybe you have made many decisions and now you are having lunch, supper, dinner or just relaxing at the end of a full day. Every day is filled with decisions. They come in all kinds of sizes as well. I was once told that of all the decisions we make in life, 50% will be wrong. That my friend is scary, and scarier to some more then others. Looking back to yesterday, the wrong ones, really didn’t matter. The other 50% seemed to be all right, well, yesterday anyway. How about you? What is your average? How are you doing making decisions? You know, there are people who seek to escape making decisions and failing and they do one of two things. One group becomes so paranoid, and they don’t venture outside their comfort zone due to fear of making those wrong decisions. Then there are some who let people make all their decisions for them. That way they have a 100% right decisions’ average. Recognize anyone like them? I’m reminded of this when I read the story about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Here comes the angel Gabriel. Now think about this for a minute. The angel said to her a number of things; 1. Don’t be afraid 2. You are favoured 3. You are going to have a baby without Joseph. Which statement do you think she heard? That’s what I think to. A young dark haired brown eyed young 15-16 year-old girl who has learned to make right decisions. (That’s number two). Put yourself in her position. Or is this what you would have said to Gabriel, “Hey Gabriel, I’ve made a lot of decisions and my average is quite good so, do you think you could ask someone else because I would really like to keep my average up?” If it was me, that thought might have gone through my head. And a few others including, “Are you crazy!?” Or maybe run as fast as you can in the other direction. (And that’s number one). But God knows best. He knew how a seemingly wrong decision would be a right one. He knows and that’s all I need to know. Just maybe, we can trust Him to take our mistakes and make them better. “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and he will straighten out your way through life.” Must have something to do with changing a negative decision into a positive? Something to think about. Rob


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