Robin's Nest

Monday, October 29, 2018

Count Your Blessings

Stop Counting The Days!  More people than I care to count have been telling us almost daily that it’s so may days until Halloween and tagged on the end of that statistic is how many days until Christmas. We already know its coming. It’s like a countdown but instead of counting down from 10 they start at 106 days until the event. Almost like the countdown to the two royal weddings the world witnessed.

I guess lots of people are like that. Not me. We had a countdown recently. Nothing earth shattering but it was still a count down. We knew it was coming but we didn’t get too focused until it was almost on top of us.

Two things about counting down the days; first we miss all the joy of going through each day that leads up to the event. The song I think of most in times like this is; “One Day At A Time”, sweet Jesus, is all I’m asking of you. A long time ago I read that we should live in one way as if it’s our last and plan as if we are going to live forever. Or something like that.

In Ecclesiastes we are told there; “There is a time for everything & a season for every activity under heaven.” Do you get that? That is the second thing. Each day has some amazing events to go through and even better, many situations that show us the power of God in everyday life. If I was so focused on Halloween, I would have missed the opportunity to hold Isaac a couple of weeks ago for the first time. And when he looked back, it was the first time we had seen each other.

Not only should we joy in each and every day, we should also not focus on one event two months from now but count our many blessings, see what God has done, and we find all of them each and every day.

Something to think about



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