Robin's Nest

Monday, May 14, 2018

Don't Trip

If you know me, you will know that I like to plan things, way ahead of time. We all know summers coming and we are all starting to fill our calendars with things to do, places to go and people to see.  And other than the price of fuel, we are excited about getting to where we want to go.
I also know there are two types of travelers in our world.  The first one, and you are like me tell ourselves, "Get There". You just want to get the traveling over. I would drive to FL in one go. The car would go over 900km to a tank and we would fill it three times and we were there. This means, we leave the building when I wake up.  The other type of traveler is the person like Allan, who believes the holiday starts when you set yourself behind the wheel. And they begin to relax even before they get out of the driveway, six hours after I started to drive.
We are all on a journey and it’s called life. This is one journey where we need to enjoy the trip and not be in a hurry to get there. Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ know that He is who He said he was and that is why He describes Himself as the way, truth & life. Think on those three items for a minute or two.
We are on a journey to heaven. From what the bible tells us, it’s better than anything we have seen here on earth. And once we get there we will never want to come back. That’s because I believe heaven is our real home.
On this journey, when we stop along life’s way, each Sunday needs to give us a glimpse of heaven. Being in church needs to reflect what it will be like and each Sunday we come to church will be a stop along the way to Home. My best guess is I have made 2750 stops on my way. There we have the pleasure of filling up, which means getting to know Jesus Christ more fully so at the moment we see Him for the first time, we will know Him. More stops on the way to come and we hope to see you at our next stop.
Something to think about


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