Robin's Nest

Monday, April 09, 2018

Easter Everyday

Easter is a beautiful time. So many things go together and those who know Easter is celebrated on two Sundays in a row actually get to enjoy it twice. Can’t do that with your birthday or anniversary or graduation. We have Easter with Jesus and spring, tulips, daffodils, hosta, and everything that reminds us of new life.  
Here’s the thing, almost everything we do or accomplish in life only comes once. Take for instance; you were born on a certain day. That is it. Jesus was born on a certain day and His birthday is not Dec. 25th but that is when the world celebrates it. Almost like President’s Day in the USofA. It was originally to celebrate George Washington’s birthday but later included Lincoln’s, Feb 22nd & 16th respectively and it moves to a different date each year so people can have the three day weekend. So who wants to petition parliament for a Prime Minister’s Day?
So it is with one birthday, like my brother’s on Tuesday, graduation (each time), one wedding, one promotion, one retirement etc. It is so good to have these days and to celebrate and to remember back to that point of passage in our lives.  But there is more.
On Sunday I shared with everyone that we can celebrate Christ’s resurrection each and every day when we realized that even though it happened once on one day, the effects of Him defeating death impacts us each and every day of our lives. That is amazing. So do what I did. Go out and look for those left over Easter candies today and celebrate like never before.
Something to think about


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