Robin's Nest

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Broken Clock

Have you ever felt like a broken clock? Just hanging around and only right twice a day? There are days like that to be sure. Days, when you are working away at the things that make up your daily routine, but nothing seems to go right. It begins in the kitchen as you walk with your bowl of cereal and spill most of it when you step bare foot on the one piece of Lego your child missed when they cleaned up before bed last night.
Taking a moment, you have a wonderful few minutes at eight, sitting, looking out the window at God’s creation and enjoying your cup of coffee. It is then that you say to yourself, “this is not a good start to the day.” And so begins a day filled with missed appointments and unfortunate mishaps. By lunch you feel there is a cloud over you and it just won’t go away.
The day never seems to get better. As the day wears on, you wear out. I bet you might be ready to throw in the tea towel when you drop a glass on the ceramic tile in the kitchen just before dinner. Personally I think kitchen floors should be made of rubber so everything bounces.
By eight o’clock, you have had enough, so you find yourself a quiet place to sit watching the setting sun, while you drink your tea and reflection on your rotten day. Looking at the clock you notice the time and say to yourself, “the second good thing today.” And you thank Jesus for those two moments in the day.
Every day is not like that, even though some days are definitely feel like that. While we have opportunity to sit and reflect on our day, recognize that beyond a shadow of a doubt, we walk through our days with God at our side. Sing along with me;
And He walks with me, And He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own,
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other, has ever, known!
God walking with us, makes every day a great day
God walking beside us, is all we need!
Something to think about


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