I Need A Hand, Can You Help

On the other side of the coin, have you noticed that many people are always there to ask for your help. Back to the original side of the coin. But for some reason, you feel you couldn’t impose on someone else to help you. This can be acerbated at times when you may have thought to yourself, “no one can do it as good as me.”
And so we go through life, independent, self-sufficient, and decidedly autonomous. If you take it to an extreme, you become a person who can do it all yourself. The difficulty is, there are, and have been times when you could have used someone’s help. The old saying is still true, “Two hands are better then one.”
The other day I was on the computer and a friend sent me a video connection to youtube.com. As I sat there watching, I saw a girl born with no arms flying a plane on her own. She was using her feet. This young woman decided to do it herself. Instead of going along for the ride, she took control and did what everyone thought impossible. To her it was indeed possible.
How do you spell impossible? Is it, that things are impossible or is it, “I’m possible?” I pray the later. Edison was a man who thought the word impossible as a challenge. Every invention we have today came from someone saying, “Well, that’s just impossible.” And someone standing nearby saying to themselves, I will prove it is not!
At the end of the video I was reminded that there are times when we can’t do it ourselves and just as many times we can. With one exception. Our faith. Oh we might think we can do it ourselves. We can get through all the problems we face by just being focused and determined. Sorry, that is not what my bible says. We need Christ, not only to get through life but to enter heaven. As I thought this through a verse I learned a long time ago came to mind. “I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength.”
Someone to think about
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