Robin's Nest

Monday, May 13, 2019

Content is on the Outside, Peace is Inside

Are you a contented person? Or how about a person who is at peace? Some people would say these are one and the same. They aren’t. They are definitely different. I know that contentment usually, but not always, has something to do with where you are in your life at this moment. You will be satisfied, relaxed and comfortable.

Looking at the bigger picture we discover the world is not a peaceful place. There seems to be one thing or another that rattles our calm existence. There are other troubling things happening in our world. The bible even talks about wars and rumours of wars. Then there are economic problems. And these can be slightly disturbing, where your pay doesn’t make it to the end of the week, all the way up to not knowing how the finances of our country are getting way too far in debt.

Hasn’t anyone told our Finance Ministers you can’t spend more than you take in? These two peace shaking items only take our attention off of all the other personal items that disturb our calm demeanour as we trudge through life. And we ask ourselves, ‘how can I find some peace’ while the kids are yelling in the next room’? Is that number 3?

Fortunately, contentment can join with peace in our life when peace is God given. The Bible tells us that we have peace when we are connected to God and believe we are going to heaven.  It’s knowing our destination supplies us with contentment and peace at this time know God’s taking care of later and our ultimate future. In The Bible, we read an important verse that brings a calm only God can give us in the face of a troubled world.   Romans 15:13 puts it all together and reads: ‘May the God who gives HOPE fill you with great JOY. May you have perfect PEACE as you trust in Him’. And it’s all because He LOVES us.

Something to think about



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