Robin's Nest

Friday, April 19, 2019

Come Join The Parade

Is it just me or are you in the same frame of mind I am. Here is what I mean. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. Is it something special or just a day when you think to yourself, ‘Yup, Jesus on a donkey, people with palm leaves and people cheering”? You might even think to yourself, that’s about it, as you go on with your day?

For most of the world, that’s about all there is. I would probably go further by saying that even in the Christian community; Palm Sunday is a minor event at best. Sure it happened but not much else. Remember getting all excited about going and watching a parade? Was it great or was it just, you know, okay? Two things that come to mind are these. First, who is the parade for and second, what is my investment in this parade.

You see, we can either be on the sidelines and cheering or we can be ecstatic and part of the parade. Again, remember being at a parade and yelling and screaming trying to get the attention of the most important person in the parade. There in that split second when your eyes met, something amazing happened. There was Jesus, and you knew. With Him were the disciples and close followers walking along and there were all the rest of the people just wanting to get a look on this fellow they had heard so much about. But in that split second you were ready to be part of the parade.

These are the two ways many people observe their faith and indirectly their participation in their faith. Many are on the sidelines, observing and occasionally giving a half-hearted cheer. Then there are those who not only take their faith very seriously but want to take part and be part of being a Christ follower. It includes getting up and gets us going by being part of the parade and yelling to everyone, “I’m with HIM!”

You make the decision. Because what I know is this, ‘Being a Christ Follower is not a spectator sport”.

Something to think about.



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