Robin's Nest

Monday, November 21, 2011

Listen - Will You!

Have you ever watched a disobedient child? What was your first thought? “If that was my child, I’d. . .Might be a good idea at the time but then again . . . Maybe it’s time to sit back and reflect. Here is one way to think of this. Put yourself in the child’s place. Some children for some unknown reason, want their own way while others just don’t want to do what parents want them to do. Or how about asking yourself, what was I like when I was young? Did your mom have to cuff your ear? Or wash your mouth out with soap, put you in a corner, give you a time out?
If you were like me you might even have tried to do something you were told not to do? It could have had something to do with autonomy or being stubborn or how about strong willed? Yes, that's it. Lastly, what kind of child were you today? Have you changed any from when you were young? Makes me think of the car commercial from this past summer where the grown man is getting ready to throw a temper tantrum in a dealers showroom to get what he wants from the dealer.
The next scenario, you have also seen this happen, known of it happening or been part of what happened. And it happened every night when it was time to go to bed. Does this ring a bell? Did you need to; get washed, have a snack, put your toys away (Which you never put away any other time when asked), brush your teeth, get a glass of water, or any number of other things before you finally settled for the night. Well, except for our grand-daughter who would got to bed at the drop of a hat. "Rachel, time for bed". "Okay, good night".
I just love taking all of you down memory lane. By now you are denying it or smiling to yourself. More years ago then I want to admit, a person wiser then I will ever be shared this line with me. “Never forget what it was to be a child. If you do, you will never be able to relate to a child today”. Great advice I will never forget.
Oh, and one more thing, you are a child of God’s, what kind of child are you to Him? Especially when you hear His words?
Something to think about.


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