Hold The Door!
Are we a society that always seem to be in too much of a hurry? Since I have been traveling on the hi way again, I am seeing this more and more. People are in so much of a hurry they dart in and out. Either they don’t plan for traffic or something happened and they got away late. The result is, we all see them weaving in and out in too much of a hurry. And this causes people behind to hit the breaks and before you know it, the traffic slows down and we drive for miles and miles in the stop and go traffic. But even more then that, it seems like everyone is in a hurry. We must be in a society or world for that matter that is consumed with the misguided precept that they are more important then everyone else so get out of my way! Am I wrong? Or am I missing something here? I thought it might just be me until I went for a drive with my neighbour. He is a very laid back fellow who seems to never be in a hurry and takes things as they come. Well, as we drove over to Home Depot he even commented on the drivers. Aha! It’s not just me. Driving to my brothers home out on a county road with solid yellow lines, doing just over the posted speed and someone goes blowing by me. Why in such a hurry? Are you late for something? Didn’t you leave early enough? I read an article a while back that suggested that we refrain from derogatorily commenting on this strange behaviour because just maybe they are on their way to the hospital or some emergence. Maybe that it true. But I don’t think in all cases. Something else keeps creeping into this old skull of mine. And it’s looking at this. Maybe this world needs someone, and many somebodies to show the world how to slow down and smell the coffee or the roses, depending on which old saying comes to your mind. I’m not just going to suggest that we start out early so we can take our time. We all should be doing that. But I am suggesting that we let others go ahead. After all, haven’t we been in too much of a hurry for too long ourselves? Let’s just step aside for others. It can be as easy as letting someone go in front of you at the store. Opening a door to enter and stopping to let someone else go ahead of you. Start with the little things and move to bigger and better slow down good deeds. And by the way, do it at church as well. Get up early. Arrive way before its time to start. And when you get there early, open the door for others, Say hi. Linger a while at the door or by the back pew. Be at peace from the frantic life out there. In quietness, enjoy the worship. Then, after it’s all over, linger a little while and leave late. Nothing like starting to slow down and give some time to others. And do it in the presence of God. Something to think about Rob
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