Knit One Pearl Two
Easter is always the highlight of the year. This year was no different. It was a great time where we came together to celebrate the resurrection. There were no presents under the tree, just “Christ, ever always in me.” We were celebrating around the resurrected Christ and nothing more. What a great day!
I have other good days, quiet days of celebration where I reflect on life and its spiritual message to my life. One weekly event I look forward to is the day I am at Macassa Lodge visiting the residents. It happens every Tuesday morning. On arriving, the first thing I do is take walk down to “C”Wing to talk with a resident for a couple of minutes. I then wheel her over to “D”Wing and the activity room there. (Oh how I would love to have wheelchair races some day.) It is there that a number of lady residents get together for “Knit and Chat.” They have over an hour of activities revolving around knitting. I only stay a few minutes, tell them a cute joke or two, get them laughing as I make my way around the table connecting with them if only for a brief moment.
They enjoy their time together. Some are really good at knitting and they come back each and every Tuesday to show each other what they have been working on. One pair of slippers here, a baby hat or a scarf there. Many of them knit the same thing, squares. I haven’t measured how big they are but these ladies know how many stitches long and how many rows. Week after week they build the pile. So many colours and so many many many squares.
When they have enough, Mary, their volunteer leader, knits them together to make a blanket. What makes this so special is, these women spend their quiet days knitting just like they did before TV came along. A couple of ladies can’t even see what they are knitting, another moves so much slower now and still another doesn’t knit at all but her role is to roll the yarn for the others. The results are always the same, so many stitches and so many rows, so many squares and so much colour.
Corrie Ten Boom wrote in her book “Tramp for the Lord,” that we here on earth only see the bottom of our life tapestry. When we get to heaven, we will see the beauty of our life as only God can see right now, from the top. We need not worry about how it looks today, but how it looks to Him.
As I reflect on these women knitting, I am moved by the Palmists words, “You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Ps. 139. And the word in Ephesians, “God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.”
Can we let go and let God create in us that heart that celebrates Him.. and I wonder if He is pleased?
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