Robin's Nest

Monday, October 02, 2006

Are You A Christ Follower

Ever had one of those, aha moments? Sort of a wake up call. The thought that comes along when you least expect it. Not like an alarm clock but more of an awareness that you had never understood it that way before.
Talking about alarm clocks. I notice an advertisement the other day for alarm clocks. There were a number of setting but none annoying. They have multiple setting, like a water fall, or singing birds. The unusual part of this device is that it also has a screen that shows the waterfall or the birds singing. Now that is progress.
Back to the ahaaaaa. While listening to one of those radio pastors, who leads a multi staff mega church, I heard him refer to his congregants at Christ Followers. Since church time began two thousand years ago, we have always referred to our faith as Christian and therefore we are Christians. Or so we thought. I don’t remember much about the rest of the program but I do remember asking myself is I cannot only call our people Christ Followers but can I call myself by the same name.
For centuries we here in Canada have called the church Christian. Not only have we called the church this but we have also called our nation a Christian Nation. This is no longer true. The United States is finally coming to the same conclusion. Statistics from Reginald Bibby in Lethbridge Alberta places Christian church attendees at less then 12%. This is true stat. The United States has finally found out their true statistics. Unlike the plus 40% they have been telling the world, their percentage of people in the pew on any given Sunday is close to ours.
So are we Christians or Christ Followers. We only need to go back to the bible to hear what happened with Jesus. In Matthew we read these words, “At once they left their nets and followed Him.” They followed His lead and they followed His example. Someone once said that our life starts with, “Once upon a time” and ends with, “They lived happily ever after.” What happens in between can be the hard part. When we follow Jesus, it means following Him through everything. I am stepping out on a limb here but I think we all want the middle part to be a walk in the park or as we see Maria (Julie Andrews) dancing on the hills in The Sound of Music. In colloquial English, “It ain’t so.” Jesus didn’t experience it and neither will we. I know, I know, life will make us strong.
Think about it this way. Think of the disciples’ following Christ. What did they gain and learn? Great Stuff. What did they give up? Not great to give up a thriving fish business. What did they see happen to their leader? A little demoralizing I would think. Then, what did they endure to stand up for what they believed? Suffering is not one of my first choices. Dying is not even on my radar screen.
My mind sometimes goes in crazy ways but follow me. We all know Monopoly. How about that dreaded card, “Go to jail. Directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Maybe we are looking to follow the heaven part. Just give me the sweet bye and bye, we shall meet on that beautiful shore . . . We want to follow Jesus but bypass the cross. Jesus didn't . . . We are Christ Followers, just like the song in Sister Act, “I will follow Him.” Rob
-I will follow Him
Follow Him wherever He may go,
And near Him, I always will be
For nothing can keep me away,
He is my destiny.

I will follow Him,
Ever since He touched my heart I knew,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love.

I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow.
he'll always be my true love, my true love, my true love
from now until forever, forever, forever

I will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love...

We will follow Him,
Follow Him wherever He may go,
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep us away, away from His love...

I love Him
(Oh yes I love Him)
I'll follow
(I'm gonna follow)
True love
(He'll always be my true, true love)
(Now until forever)
I love Him, I love Him, I love Him,
And where He goes,
I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow,
He'll always be my true love,
My true love, my true love,
From now until forever,
Forever, forever...

There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from His love


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