Robin's Nest

Monday, June 01, 2020

Prayer Changes Everything

The facts are evident everywhere in the world. More people are praying now than have been praying for a very long time. I know I have been praying more, and believing that God is listening. We all wonder what percentage of people has joined the heavenly chorus in prayer. Probably double digests would be appropriate.

But what are we praying for? Who are we praying for? Why are we praying in the first place? And who are we praying to?  All good questions and they all have varied answers. The truth is, having this world wide pandemic has literally brought us to our knees. That’s a good thing.

The first time we earnestly pray is when there is no one else to turn to. This is what David wrote: Psalm 5:2  “Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray.” That my friends is the time when we all pray. We need help and no one else can give that to us. So, we go to God and see if He can help.

Did you also know that we pray more for others than we pray for ourselves? It’s true. How many of you have prayed for someone who has a positive reading of Coronavirus? That is what makes us human beings. In some way, well, in many ways we care for others. It bothers us when others are suffering. And even if we don’t really have a belief system of our own we still call out, “Oh God, help us”.

The most interesting part about prayer that I know about is it does two things. First it changes me. I believe in tough times, God is the only place we can go. Secondly, it changes things because I believe, not just in God but that He can do anything He wants and that includes healing.

Lastly, how are we praying? In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 it reads, “pray continually.” Hurting people need a healer, or as the hymn we sing at church goes,

       “On they go through private pain

                                         Living fear to fear

         Laughter hides their silent cries

                                      Only Jesus hears

                                      People need the Lord, people need the Lord

                                      At the end of broken dreams, He's the open door

Something to think about & keep praying.



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